Mac OS X used to have a sharing function which turned apache (webserver) on so you could make websites on your machine. However, they turned that off, for whatever unknown reason. To enable apache now, do the following. First, let's find out your username. Open /Applications/Utilities/ It will come up with a terminal screen Type: whoami The machine will answer with your login name. Note what it is. Let's say it's " bob " for now. Now type: sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf This will start you off editing the apache webserver configuration file ( ). Yes, this is a unix machine. The way you edit it is not by mousing, contrary to what we see in Jurassic Park(tm), but by typing in and editing text files. To search for the necessary lines, type a forward-slash (/) Type what you want to search for, in this case, php . Press enter after typing php as the search. You will find a line like this: #LoadModule php7_modul...