batch convert MOV files to mp4
If like me you prefer to not have any MOV files due to their size, you want to convert them to mp4 video. #!/bin/sh # -r = frame rate # -f = output format # -i = input file name # -s = aspect ratio/frame size # -crf = constant rate factor # -pix_fmt yuv420p = quicktime compatible quality="" if [ "$1" == "-d" ] ; then echo "Downscaling quality to 480x360 at 15fps" quality="-r 20 -s 480x360" fi if [ "$1" == "-i" ] ; then echo "Downscaling for old iphone and similar" # for i in `/bin/ls` ; do ( echo $i ; ffmpeg -i $i -threads 0 -strict experimental -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -vpre ipod640 -b 1200k -acodec aac -ab 160000 -ac 2 -s 480x320 iphone-$i ) ; done quality="-vpre slow -vpre ipod640 -b 1200k -acodec aac -ab 160000 -ac 2 -s 480x320" fi for i in `/bin/ls | grep .[mM][oO][vV]` ; do ( echo "Converting QuickTime file to MP4: "$i nn=`echo $i | sed -e s/\.[Mm][Oo][vV]/\...