
Showing posts from May, 2021

batch convert MOV files to mp4

 If like me you prefer to not have any MOV files due to their size, you want to convert them to mp4 video. #!/bin/sh # -r = frame rate # -f = output format # -i = input file name # -s = aspect ratio/frame size # -crf = constant rate factor # -pix_fmt yuv420p = quicktime compatible quality="" if [ "$1" == "-d" ] ; then echo "Downscaling quality to 480x360 at 15fps" quality="-r 20 -s 480x360" fi if [ "$1" == "-i" ] ; then echo "Downscaling for old iphone and similar" # for i in `/bin/ls` ; do ( echo $i ; ffmpeg -i $i -threads 0 -strict experimental -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 -vpre slow -vpre ipod640 -b 1200k -acodec aac -ab 160000 -ac 2 -s 480x320 iphone-$i ) ; done quality="-vpre slow -vpre ipod640 -b 1200k -acodec aac -ab 160000 -ac 2 -s 480x320" fi for i in `/bin/ls | grep .[mM][oO][vV]` ; do ( echo "Converting QuickTime file to MP4: "$i nn=`echo $i | sed -e s/\.[Mm][Oo][vV]/\...